大人気の世界の言葉で「ありがとう」の手ぬぐいの最新作です♪ 前回よりも言語数多く、70言語ほどの「ありがとう」をデザインに盛り込んでいます♪ このシリーズは ①日本の子供たちが世界に興味を持つきっかけを作りたい ②失われゆく言語をアートとして残したい ③お互いの国を知るきっかけを作り、平和への一歩をつくりたい という想いがあって、制作しています。 そんな想いをアートに込めて、明るいデザインで、皆さんの日常を彩ることができたら、とても嬉しいなと思っています♪♪ また、6/27日までにご購入いただいた方には、ポストカードサイズに印刷した、めちゃいい感じの作品のうちのどれか(ご希望を数字で教えてください)を、プレゼントしちゃいます!!! ※手ぬぐいは、特に帯などは巻かず、このままお送りいたします。 ※郵便でお送りする予定ですが、枚数が多くなったら、変更する可能性があります。 ※
たくさんの国の言葉で「ありがとう」が書かれている手ぬぐいです。 スカートやズボンの腰のところに挟み込んで飾りにしたり 頭に巻いてみたり おうちに飾ってみたり 海外旅する時にもっていくと、とってもいい会話の引き出しになるのです♪ ※折りたたんでお送りするので、写真のような折れ線がついています。 サイズ 横 900mm 縦 350mm
写真とお名前を教えていただいて、書下ろしを行います。 遠方の方でも、ご本人じゃなくても大丈夫です。 今の、その人に、必要な詩を。 心を込めて書かせていただきます。 屋久島に住んでいるために、発送から到着まで時間が、通常よりかかります。 船や飛行機が出ない時もあるので、お早めに。 サイズ:色紙
素敵な靴は、私をきっと素敵なところに連れってくれる。 好きな言葉と、好きな色を組み合わせておつくりする、世界に一つだけの、あなたのためだけの靴。配置などは基本的にこちらにお任せいただきますが、どうしてもどうしてもこの言葉はここがいいなどのご要望がございましたら、お伝えくださいませ。 価格は、靴の値段込みの価格です。 もちろん、サイズもご希望に合わせます。
(Plan 1)Write your name in Kanji through ZOOM.
With the situation with COVID-19 getting more serious all over the world, many people have to stay home under lockdown or a state of emergency. Japanese calligraphy artists would like to provide joy to people in that situation. It would be our pleasure for you to enjoy a feeling of traveling to Japan. (Plan 1)(15〜20 minutes) ①Write your name in Kanji through ZOOM. ②Send the art data to you. (Plan 2)(15~20 minutes) ①Write your name in Kanji through ZOOM. ②Send the art data to you. ③Sending the actual artwork to you after the corona situation has subsided would be better. (Plan 3)(1 hour) ①Write as many words or phrases as requested during the hour while chatting. ②Send the art data to you. ③Sending the actual artwork to you after the corona situation has subsided would be better. ※Please purchase individually from a form if you choose a different plan from your current selection. ※You can select the type of 24.3×27.3cm traditional Japanese paper or 24.3×27.3cm colored paper.
(Plan 2)Write your name in Kanji through ZOOM&send actual artwork
With the situation with COVID-19 getting more serious all over the world, many people have to stay home under lockdown or a state of emergency. Japanese calligraphy artists would like to provide joy to people in that situation. It would be our pleasure for you to enjoy a feeling of traveling to Japan. (Plan 1)(15〜20 minutes) ①Write your name in Kanji through ZOOM. ②Send the art data to you. (Plan 2)(15~20 minutes) ①Write your name in Kanji through ZOOM. ②Send the art data to you. ③Sending the actual artwork to you after the corona situation has subsided would be better. (Plan 3)(1 hour) ①Write as many words or phrases as requested during the hour while chatting. ②Send the art data to you. ③Sending the actual artwork to you after the corona situation has subsided would be better. ※Please purchase individually from a form if you choose a different plan from your current selection. ※You can select the type of 24.3×27.3cm traditional Japanese paper or 24.3×27.3cm colored paper.
(Plan 3)Write as many words or phrases as requested during the hour while chatting.
With the situation with COVID-19 getting more serious all over the world, many people have to stay home under lockdown or a state of emergency. Japanese calligraphy artists would like to provide joy to people in that situation. It would be our pleasure for you to enjoy a feeling of traveling to Japan. (Plan 1)(15〜20 minutes) ①Write your name in Kanji through ZOOM. ②Send the art data to you. (Plan 2)(15~20 minutes) ①Write your name in Kanji through ZOOM. ②Send the art data to you. ③Sending the actual artwork to you after the corona situation has subsided would be better. (Plan 3)(1 hour) ①Write as many words or phrases as requested during the hour while chatting. ②Send the art data to you. ③Sending the actual artwork to you after the corona situation has subsided would be better. ※Please purchase individually from a form if you choose a different plan from your current selection. ※You can select the type of 24.3×27.3cm traditional Japanese paper or 24.3×27.3cm colored paper.